The St. Louis press is speculating that a trade is in the offing that would allow the Browns to move up to the number 1 pick and choose highly touted QB Sam Bradford. If these rumors were not coming out of St. Louis I wouldn't give much weight to them but consider too that the writer of the article is Howard Balzer, a very well connected gentleman....
This might sound like typical pre-draft hyperbole, but consider that Mike Holmgren is really sold on Bradford and the reason is that Bradford has an arm like Elway with Bernie Kosar like accuracy. That is one helluva combination that has Super Bowl written all over it (watch the highlight film below to get a feeling for how far and how accurately Bradford can wing it). The only question mark with Bradford, and it's a major one, is whether or not he will be durable enough for the NFL. Watching the highlight film it's clear that this guy has a Hall of Fame arm, but he lost most of his senior year to an injury and that's not a great sign that the kid can take the beating an NFL quarterback must endure.
The rumor mill should keep getting hotter as 20 April nears, look to The Brown Log to keep yourself well connected to Draft 2010.
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