Browns fans are pissed! Coming off of another horrific loss (this time to the Bears 30-6), the Browns again demonstrated that they are the worst team in the NFL. Five turnovers and dropped passes were the key this ugly loss. I do not think you could assemble a more incompetent football team if you tried. But I will get to that point in a moment. Dawg Pound Mike has decided to do something about this travesty. On the November 16th Monday night game against the Ravens, Mike proposes that all fans stay out of their seats until after the opening kickoff. I like the idea. It is a non-violent protest that makes the point. Gandhi would be proud. Check out his website here http://www.dawgpoundmike.com/id89.html and by all means support him. I am afraid that in a few more weeks no organization will be necessary for such gridiron disobedience. You will not see the fans after the opening kickoff or for the rest of the game! In fact it is looking like Cleveland area fans will experience multiple blackouts this season. This makes me very nervous. The city of Industry just outside of Los Angeles has unanimously approved a proposal for a new NFL stadium to be built. The idea is to build the stadium then lure an existing team to the area. The Oakland Raiders, San Diego Chargers, Buffalo Bills, San Francisco 49ers, St. Louis Rams, Minnesota Vikings and Jacksonville Jaguars have been named as possible teams to move. To be targeted, a franchise has to meet one or two or both of the following criteria. Either they are without a new stadium deal or their attendance is poor. This is a horrible time for Browns fans to be turning away from the team. Don’t get me wrong. The snubbing is justified. The Browns suck. I have never been more frustrated with the team in my life. And I don’t want to get all Area 51 here but is it possible that someone thinks it would be a good idea to move the Browns to Los Angeles? A way to accomplish this would be to make the team so pathetic that fans finally walk away. This would be a difficult task given the loyalty of the Browns fan base. The team would have to lose virtually every game, get rid of all talented players, never score touchdowns, drop passes, give up big plays on defense, lose all home games, never beat the Steelers, Ravens or Bengals and wear all brown pants before the fans would even consider not following the Browns. So I am putting the Browns on notice. As crappy as this team is do not even think about taking it away! We need to all band together with a very loud voice and say “Randy Lerner, get your win on NOW!”
I'm not worried about the team leaving. The contract with the city is solid and the NFL would not want to fight that battle (and take the beating) again. For better or worse, the teams going nowhere (the Cavs are a different story, but that's a different blog).
ReplyDeleteWhat worries me is that Randy Lerner doesn't seem to have a clue what to do. What can they do until the 2010 draft? It's not like they are going to go out and trade for better talent right now. These guys have to improve on their own and the issue is Mangini. He doesn't know what he's doing, and its gotten away from him at this point. Trading Winslow and Edwards may have been the right thing to do from a chemistry standpoint, but the talent at receiver/tight end is horrific and not going to get better anytime soon (why isn't Robiskie making plays?). Dabol has no clue. At least Ryan can defend, but even Hercules would get tired when your on the field 40 minutes a game.
Lerner made a mistake with Mangini and now he's going to try to fix it with bringing MORE people in to HELP. I don't envy Lerner - he's in a real tough spot right now with no clear way to get out until the next off-season (drafts, trades, free agents, etc.). Until then, he as to man up and stand tall through 8 more games. What a mess!