Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reasons to be optimistic: D'Qwell Jackson

Browns fans have been buried in so much losing that it is hard to continue to say and think °wait til next year." So the Brown Log has decided to start a semi regular feature called "reasons to be optimistic." While this season has not gone as we all hoped, fact is we are one botched field goal attempt from already being a .500 club. Our leadership is strong and in the 2012 draft we have 9 picks in the first two rounds. There are many reasons for optimism and we shall point one out today: D'Qwell Jackson.

When I attend a game, and this year I have attended most home games, I have a habit of focusing my binoculars onto one or two players all game long. Last week against Jacksonsville, I spent a lot of time watching D'Qwell Jackson. What I found on the field was a middle linebacker who has blazing quick reads coupled with astonishing closing speed. Off the field I was impressed that after the second touchdown, during the kickoff, Jackson made a point to walk over to every single offensive lineman and give each one of them a pat on the back.

Leadership and ability, what more could a team ask for in it's defensive QB?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

BL predicts: Week 10 vs Jacksonsville

Barring some kind of miracle transformation, today is the Browns last chance to win a game during the 2011 NFL Season. That stated winning today will not be easy. The Browns have several key players still injured and two ex Browns players, Matt Roth and Brian Robiske, now play with Jacksonville, and in particular Robiske, who was still a Brown 3 weeks ago, will have worked overtime preparting the Jags staff with insight into the Browns schemes. Not that any NFL defense needs help stopping the Browns offense.

It's not easy to win a game without scoring any points but I will go out on a limb and predict that somehow the Browns will ring up their last W of the season.

BL Predicts
Browns 18
Jags 13

6 field goals carry the day for our Brownies

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tim Tebow: Winner

One of the Brown Log's pet peeves is how NFL scouts miss the target so often in player evaluation. Football is not just a track meet or a fundamentals camp, it is a game of skill in which emotions play a large role.

A team with a player in a key position, who believes in himself and is able to transmit his confidence to other players is a fortunate team indeed. If by chance that player has some standout skills, the sky is the limit.

I am not a huge Tim Tebow fan but after 5 games starting in Denver, his 4-1 record is hard to argue with. His mechanics are bad but this guy has an intangible, he is larger than life. And he can run like a tailback. Pass defenses have become so sophisticated as have blitzing schemes, that the value of a QB that can run is growing.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shurmur is responsible for today's loss

I like Pat Shurmur but today's loss was 100% unnecessary and 100% his responsibility. Let's see how he reacts, the press and fans are going to crucify him his week. It'll either drag him down or hopefully he will learn from his errors and grow.

Terrible and embarrassing loss.

A handoff to a TE on a run up the gut at the most critical moment of the game???????

Why? That was a terrible call. We played for a field goal, that was a mistake.

BL live blog: offensive line play

Today's game really reveals why the Browns struggle. Watch the offensive lines. Bradford has an incredible pass protection, allowing him time to check every option he has downfield. McCoy usually has 2-3 seconds max. It comes down to the skill of the offensive lineman. Our Browns are severely lacking skills on the offensive line.

Were it not for turnovers by the Rams, the Browns would be losing badly.

The "swaggerless" New England Patriots

Today on ESPN's Sunday NFL Countdown, Chris Berman asked the question, based on this years disappointing results year to date, if the New England Patriots have lost their swagger.

I think it worth reminding folks of a fact: Since their cheating was revealed the Patriots have never won another Super Bowl. The evidence that was destroyed by the NFL pointed to the fact that the Patriots had the most sophisticated cheating system ever built in NFL history. It went far beyond the gamemanship of swiping a signal or two from the other team. The Patriots are believed to have extensively filmed other teams and documented play calls. Furthermore it's very likely the Pats have never stopped cheating, even post scandal.

It took the other NFL clubs years to catch on to how to work around the Pats unetical methods, but now that they have, the Pats are just another ordinary team with a very ordinary head coach.

NFL - Rams vs. Browns Preview

BL Predicts: Week Nine vs St Louis

Last week i predicted with my heart, not my head and approximately 5 minutes into the first quarter, when the Browns found themselves down 14-0 I realized the err of my ways. Pity.

This week the Browns face the 1-7 Rams and I really am worried that our Browns are going to lay another major egg. Sam Bradford will be back at the controls this week, TJ Ward is out with an injury and the Browns are coming off a very embarrasing loss in Houston last week.

Football is a game in which emotions count heavily and the winner of today's game will likely be the team that comes out more motivated.

The bottom line today is that both teams stink, but reality is that the 3-5 Browns have much more to play for than the 1-7 Rams. The fact is that if the Browns win, they are only 1 game south of .500 and a decent season will be still within their grasp. I like Pat Shurmur a lot and hope that last weeks beating at the hands of Houston, opened Shurmur's mind to the idea that a full implementation of the West Coast offense should be a long term project and maybe, just maybe, Shurmur should be a bit more realistic and consider putting a few simple and basic plays in his playbook that parlay the talents he has on his roster, such as Josh Cribbs. Furthermore, Shurmur, Holmgren et al, need to realize that our offensive line has so many holes that executing the West Coast is nearly impossible. Only one example, according to ProFootballFocus.com, rookie Jason PInkston has received a negative grade for his play EVERY WEEK of this season and only two guards in the entire NFL grade out worse than Pinkston.

The West Coast offense and it's complex twists and turns takes time to perfect, and that was never more apparent than last week when Colt McCoy's pass to Greg Little at the end of the first half was intercepted by Houston and nearly returned for a touchdown. On that play, Little read the defense one way, and took the option to head deep. In the meantime, Colt read the defense another way and the result - intercept and field goal Houston.....

So against all my instincts, I am going to guess that the team that has more to play for, our Browns, actually shows up motivated and that Shurmur will have a simple gameplan ready that uses the talent he has and considers the limitations of his current talent. But it will not be easy. The home field advantage is normally a big factor in favor of the home team but look for Cleveland fans today to be anything but loving to the home team. Don't be surprised if Bradford rings up a few big plays early and the Browns find themselves once again playing catch up, something they are terribly inept at.

BL Predicts

Browns 17
Rams 14

The Brown Log are 4-4 this year on the prognastication front.

Joe Paterno's dementia and the hypocrisy of the NCAA

A few weeks ago the Brown Log did a piece in which we considered the possibility that Joe Paterno might actually have died a long time ago and all this time Penn State has been propping him up, ala "Weekend at Bernies" just to get him the all time division I coaches win record. Well, the shocking events of the last week revealed that perhaps we were not too far off. I simply cannot understand how Paterno could have not done more nearly 10 years ago when Paterno learned that Jerry Sandusky was molesting young boys.

It has long been clear that Paterno has been a figurehead coach and that his mental functioning is not what it once was. Today we can see the true price paid for Penn State's board of regents allowing the proverbial tail to wag the dog. It has been many years that it is apparent to any impartial observer, that Paterno has shown signs of senility. The bottom line is that a person doing a given job, needs to be fully capable to carry out ALL of his duties. Up until this week, it was easy to overlook Penn State's inability to force Paterno out, because everyone could appreciate the sentimental element of retaining a figurehead coach. The horrible consequences of allowing a man not capable to perform his full range of duties these last 15 years is now clear.

Did a once honorable and ethical man like Paterno, do the legal minimum on the Sandusky matter simply because he was tired and disengaged??? I prefer to believe that Paterno was simply so detached from reality that he could not get his hands around even the most obvious situations. That is better than believing that Paterno did not do everything is his power to put a child molester behind bars.

Another bitter note here is that the NCAA has been embarrasingly silent on the Penn State matter. Why do I get the feeling that if Jerry Sandusky had stolen a few hundred dollars in NCAA merchandise, the reaction of the NCAA would have been lightening swift?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Peyton Hillis

Cleveland is a working class town where people show up for their job every day and take pride in working through even the worst of illness.

When our best playmaker Josh Cribbs a few years back struggled to get a new contract, he endeared himself further to Cleveland fans thanks to his workmanlike attitude. He showed up every Sunday, played hurt and contributed, in spite of Cleveland management at the time, trying to use time to grind him down.

Peyton Hillis finds himself in the same situation this season. What did he do? He refused to play a game he could have easily played, alienating his teammates. Later in the season, Hillis blew off a charitable function for Cleveland area kids that he had committed to.

Hillis does not fit into Cleveland, in short he is a jerk. I hope he never stains the field of play for Cleveland again.

Our sentiments exactly