Comrade Jerry Jones speaks out about the NFL labor situation in the below video from 60 Minutes Overtime.
Comrade Jones mentions in the video that "the model we have doesn't work." The current model between NFL owners and players involves a socialist revenue sharing scheme. Comrade Jones does not want to move back to a free market, what he does want is to further reduce the players share of the revenue.
Let's see if I have the facts correct. Owners previously agreed to share revenues with players, something players actually fought against in the last negotiation. Players want a completely free market but it angers the 32 NFL owners that in a free market the players command over 50% of revenues. One could argue that a good capitalist owner would not spend money beyond his means, but NFL owners are famous for their lack of control and all it takes is one big spender to drive up salaries for the others. That stated, is the solution to force players into a communist system because the owners cannot control themselves?!?!
In the original agreement, owners sold the communist salary cap as "cost certainty" and the players relutantly agreed to the owners salary cap proposal because they were able to negotiate a share of revenues that was almost in line with their expectations in a free market. Today owners simply want to reduce players share from the amount that the NFL Politburo previously agreed to.
It is a highly distasteful irony that NFL owners made their fortunes in the greatest economic system the free world has ever witnessed, the free market system. Comrade Jones in his private political life professes to be an American Republican however the NFL Politburo's actions speak louder than words. The NFL Politburo wants us to believe that further use of communist principals are needed to manage the NFL so therefore bring on new rookie salary limits and reduce the players percentage of the salary cap.
Karl Marx would be filled with joy at Comrade Jerry Jones approach, but I suspect that Ronald Reagan is turning over in his grave. The real solution to the NFL's issues are further market freedom by elimination of the anti trust exemption that the NFL has. Let free markets rule. Only a communist could disagree with that statement.
Interesting to note that CBS chose not to air these comments on the nationally broadcost portion of 60 Minutes.