A couple of weeks ago the Brown Log did a brief write up on former St. Iggy star Robby Parris and his inspiring comeback from the brutal leg injury he suffered as a senior playing for St Iggys vs Massillon. Parris went on to play collegiate football for Notre Dame University where he played well, occasionally showing signs of brilliance, but often struggled to stay healthy. Recently Parris had a try out with the Browns.
After publishing the blog on Parris, The Brown Log had over 50 visits that landed on our pages based on Robby Parris google searches so obviously Parris has a huge following. I've tried to stay up to date with what happened thereafter but there's not much info out there. The Browns did not offer Parris a contract but there was no press confirmation of that fact, just silence. Parris does appear to have a Twitter account (as does The Brown Log by the way) and on June 3 that account tweeted that Robby Parris' football career was over. Previous tweets mention a trip to Canada. Therefore taking a large leap of logic after reading in between the lines, perhaps Parris tried to catch on in the CFL and after that effort, has decided to hang the spikes up. I am actually a big CFL fan and felt that Parris would be perfect for the CFL game. The Canadian field is a bit bigger than the NFL pitch and a big rangy receiver is needed on every team as the QB scrambles on practically every play and CFL teams have only two downs to get a first down. Parris fits the needs of a lot of CFL teams quite nicely but it looks like that is not to be.
In any case, it looks like one of Cleveland's favorite son's has hung his spikes up and if that is indeed the case, The Brown Log sends him our best wishes. Parris is one of many examples of the depth of talent in Ohio's football pool and more importantly he's a great example of the love for the game that makes Ohio football players unique.
Moving on with his professional life, a sheepskin from Notre Dame University will assure a solid career in whatever field Mr. Parris takes up, post football. Good luck Robby!!
Robby Parris is a loser. He wont amount to anything regardless of field he chooses post football.