Here is
a very interesting article which includes a rare interview with "Randy" Lerner in the British newspaper, The Independent.
In addition to being owner of the Cleveland Browns, "Randy" Lerner is majority owner of the British Premiership soccer squad, Aston Villa, which is also the favorite team of new British Prime Minister David Cameron. It is quite rare to see Lerner's own words in print as he is notoriously shy about talking to the press but maybe the fact that the new Prime Minister is an Aston Villa fan has "Randy" sensing an opportunity to form a friendship with one of the world's most powerful politicians hence "Randy" is suddenly working hard to increase his visibility in the UK. That may sound like idle speculation but the fact is that Cameron was elected less than two weeks ago and all of the sudden silent "Randy" is giving interviews?
"Randy" states in the interview that spending is not the answer to Villa's challenges, and while I agree with "Randy" that he should not spend £30,000,000 on a star forward, I would add that many soccer teams in Europe have risen to the Champions League without spending a fortune on star players. Success in sports does not come down to spending, it comes down to the judgement of ownership and management.
Footnote: Speaking of judgement,
"Randy" may have spent some time living in the UK but if he wants to be taken seriously by the Prime Minister and the rest of the British population, he really ought to consider what the word
randy signifies in British slang and take into very serious consideration, at least when giving an interview in a British newspaper, to use the name his mother gave him, Randolph. I guarantee you that every time a Brit reads about "Randy" Lerner, a few laughs and a snide comment are not far behind. I just have a hard time imaging David Cameron forming a friendship with someone who he will have to refer to as "randy" in public...