The Brown BLog Predicts:
Browns vs Bengals Thursday Night Football
Disaster or Alignment?
A lesson learned over the years of worshipping our Browns is not to ignore the obvious.
Earlier in the week, the Browns blundered by cutting Austin Seibert on the Monday before a big division rivalry game. Tony Grossi was the first to point out that the timing of the cut might be ill advised and Mike Brown added credibility to Grossi's observation by immediately picking up Seibert.
Many worried about the embarrassment that might take place should Seibert play on Thursday evening. What fans should truly be worried about is that on Tuesday and Wednesday the Bengals coaching staff was downloading nuggets of insights from Seibert relative to Browns special teams tactics. The Bengals have for example one of the games better kick returners, Brandon Wilson, who already has a 44 yard return to his credit last Sunday. Might an insight or two from Seibert help the Bengals set up an effective kick return Thursday evening?
In a game of inches it is a troubling point. All the Browns had to do was wait a few days to make the move, but my guess is cutting Seibert Monday saved a few dollars and our frugal owner certainly must have loved that.
Much ado about nothing say you? Maybe but I guarantee Bill Belichick would never risk handing over this kind of intel to a key opponent days before a big game. When asked about this Coach Stefanski said that Seibert being a Bengal was not "worrisome" so at least we do know that the Browns leadership is aligned. Who knows, maybe the Browns will whip on Cincinnati and Baker Mayfield can hand the game ball to Seibert after one of his touchdown passes.
Will it have an impact, who knows but I do believe this will be a close game and I do believe the Bengals will win
Brown BLog Predicts
Bengals 24
Browns 17