Terrelle Pryor might have thought he was escaping the bondage of the NCAA, but he discovered this week that his
Freedom Train has derailed, at least for five more weeks. The NFL has stood by it's farm system partner (or should we say plantation system), the NCAA, who suspended Pryor for having profited off the sale of his own personal property. Why does the NCAA treat its "players" like criminals when they profit? Because the NCAA does not appreciate when it's slaves take from the hand of their master. This is understood, what is harder to digest is how the NFL can take 5 games salary out of the pocket of Pryor for his so called infraction. There is no good reason other than perhaps the NFL wishes to perpetuate the plantation system which develops players gratis for it's big league partner.
The NCAA and it's universities make well over a billion dollars a year in profits on the back of their players, most of whom will never play in the pros. A common sense solution should exist to share this wealth with players, many of whom come from poor families and struggle to get by even if the university pays room and board.
The hypocricy of the NCAA and it's treatment of athletes has one answer, the establishment of professional football minor league system like that of pro baseball. NFL owners would never do that, considering that the NCAA already does this job for them. So for the 18 year old football player what is left to say? All I can think of is "I have a dream".....